Imagindia- The Imagindia InstitureProviding the imagination and image of India and the people of India origin, globally.
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Imagindia seeks to contribute to following needs:

  • India's emergence on world stage - Economy and Trade
    Need for capacity building of industry, negotiating prowess, and reconciliation of irritants as India's mixed economy model meshes with alternative models and competition
  • India's emergence on world stage - Politics and Security
    Need for capacity building, negotiating prowess, and reconciliation of irritants as India's ideological and geopolitical aspirations mesh with alternative worldviews
  • Diffusion of Soft and Hard Innovations - Bringing the world's best to India and vice versa
    Need for diffusion of ideas and innovations that lead to improved quality of life, sustained social development, human creativity, and pursuit of happiness in India, and globally
  • Innovation in international "relations" and social entrepreneurship
    Need for proactive relationship building across political, economic, scientific, community, and cultural domains, and for private and entrepreneurial initiatives in social and international affairs
  • Leveraging of Assets - the worldwide presence of Indian Diasporas
    Need to energize the relationship, economic, and cultural assets of over 25 million people of Indian origin living outside India, for enhancing their contribution to their adopted homes, and also for enhancing the quality of relationship between their adopted countries and India